Who’s Who at the San Diego Zoo: My Favorite Animals

The world isn’t actually getting smaller, but people dust off the cliché to illustrate how technology and other forces make it more connected. If there was a place that took the phrase literally, however, it would be the San Diego Zoo: 100 Read More

Real-Life Locations that Inspired the World of Avatar: The Last Airbender

COVID-19 is a great reminder that not all heroes wear capes. Some wear hospital scrubs, or laminated name tags from grocery stores, and others wear monk’s robes with matching arrow tattoos. If that last outfit doesn’t sound like any essential worker you’ve ever heard Read More

The Tao of Meow: Or, What I’ve Learned from My Cats

Many of my greatest teachers appeared first as companions. If—as Eleanor Roosevelt wrote—we learn by living, then it’s only natural that we have the most to learn from the people we let into our lives. But people, strictly speaking, aren’t the only Read More